lunes, 7 de abril de 2008

Simple solution for the ORA-01157 and ORA-01110 Errors

Did you erase a datafile?, do you still need that datafile?, if the answer for the last question was yes, this is not the solution for you!, otherwise, continue...

SQL>startup mount;
SQL>alter database datafile '/AS10g/oradata/asdb/users02.dbf' offline drop;
SQL>alter database open;

SQL>shutdown immediate;

and then, you will see something like this:

Total System Global Area 1048576000 bytes
Fixed Size                   782524 bytes
Variable Size             892342084 bytes
Database Buffers          155189248 bytes
Redo Buffers                 262144 bytes

It is done!

In my case, I did not need that datafile anymore, so my problem was solved just following the above solution.

Héctor Suárez Barenca

2 comentarios:

Domenec dijo...

Eres un crack, gracias, problema solucionado.

Domenec dijo...

Eres un crack, gracias, problema solucionado.